Volunteer with CRPD
Volunteers are the heart of our community and the CRPD. We're excited to invite enthusiastic youth, teens, and adults to join us in supporting classes, special events, and activities at our community centers. Many teenagers and tweens volunteer with us to earn valuable hours for school and future career opportunities. Adults and seniors (55+) often get involved through service groups or the Conejo Senior Volunteer Program to stay connected with their favorite programs or the community at large. Our volunteers receive training and collaborate with a dedicated team to ensure our programs are of the highest quality. If you're interested in making a difference, explore the drop-down sections below to discover the many opportunities available.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Community Center or Special Unit you are interested in assisting.
Community Centers
Community Center staff is always looking for a variety of volunteers to assist in a variety of programs and functions at the centers and throughout the city. If you are interested please contact any of the community centers listed at end of this section for more details.
Class/Preschool Volunteer
The community centers run many classes from parent/child, sports, arts and crafts, gymnastics, dance, specialty classes, as well as Preschool and Pre-K programs for 3 to 5-year-olds that the instructors could use assistance with. The majority of the programs are for 3 to 12-year-olds and meet at a variety of times year-round (including school holidays, weekends and summer.) *Some centers offer CIT (Counselor in Training) programs for volunteers during summer months.
Homework Club
Some of the centers offer homework clubs at elementary schools and are in need of volunteer tutors to assist the children after school with their homework. Conejo Center offers this program at 850 Warwick. Homework helpers are welcome.
Special Events
The centers offer 1-time special events at each of their centers throughout the year along with our community-wide special events that bring the whole community together at a specific park in the city. This is a great way to help out on one day.
Borchard Community Center | Conejo Community Center |
Dos Vientos Community Center | Thousand Oaks Community Center |
Thousand Oaks Teen Center
Typically teens that volunteer at the Teen Center do so through our High School Teen Leadership Club (TLC). Applications need to be submitted and approved by a parent as well as Teen Services Director, Sarah Daub. Applications are available at the Teen Center and online at thousandoaksteencenter.com. TLC meets the first Tuesday of each month from 7:00-8:30pm. 9th-12th-grade teens may sign-up at the meeting for events that will take place throughout the coming month. Volunteer opportunities at the Teen Center fit into two main categories: Special Events (dances/concerts) and our Sports Leagues (basketball/volleyball).
Volunteer opportunities are available with the Conejo Valley Sports Advisory Council (CVSAC). Contact Sports Supervisor, Kara Newman-Ferdolage at 805-495-4674 or [email protected].
Therapeutic Recreation
Assist staff in recreation programs for individuals with developmental disabilities such as intellectual disabilities, autism, and cerebral palsy. Many different types of opportunities including Special Olympics, art, cooking, theatre, social clubs, summer camps, special events, and more. Individuals 15 and older, or under 15 with parental supervision, may request a volunteer application and further information by contacting Devon Herbert at 805-381-2739 or [email protected].
Outdoor Unit
Adult Hike Leader opportunities include leading trail hikes, fundraising, and new program creation. Opportunities for teens, 15 to 17-year-olds, are through Summer Day Camp and include assisting camp counselors with groups of 12 campers and require a full week commitment: Wildwood and Newbury Park locations. For further information contact Outdoor Unit/Recreation Services Supervisor, Timothy Smith at 805-495-2163 or [email protected].
Volunteer opportunities available. Contact Aquatics Supervisor, Dee Pearson at 805-241-0894 or [email protected].
The Conejo Senior Volunteer Program (CSVP) uses the life experiences of adults age 55+ to benefit Conejo Valley nonprofit and healthcare organizations. These volunteers plant gardens, tutor children, program computers, assist seniors to live independently and serve in many other vital roles. If you are 55 or above, you can join the 1,200 area men and women already helping make a difference in our community. Put your life skills and talents to work today! Stop by the CSVP office, located in the Goebel Adult Community Center, for an interview. We'll match your skills, interests, and abilities with a local nonprofit agency which needs you. For more information, please contact Julie Spivack at [email protected] or 805-381-2742.